Category: Nominative Case

1.1 Gender of Nouns

In this module, you will become familiar with the common endings for masculine and feminine nouns, including Ukrainian names. You will also learn the Ukrainian equivalents for the pronouns “he,” “she” and “my” and how to use them in simple present-tense sentences about identity.

1.2 Gender of Nouns (Masculine and Feminine)

In this module, you will continue to practice recognizing the masculine and feminine gender of nouns, both animate and inanimate.  You will also learn how to use the masculine and feminine forms for the numeral “one,” the possessive pronouns “my” and “your,” and the question word “what kind/which”.


1.3 Gender of Nouns (Neuter)

In this module, you will become familiar with the common endings for neuter nouns and learn to distinguish between feminine and neuter nouns that end with –я.  You will also learn the Ukrainian equivalent for pronoun “it,” as well as neuter forms of “one,” “my,” “your,” and “what kind/which.”

2.1 Regular Plural Nouns

In this module, you will become familiar with the regular plural endings for masculine, feminine, and neuter nouns, as well as learn the two forms for the numeral “two” and when to use each of them.

2.2 Plural Nouns in –ї and Some Exceptions

In this module, you will learn which nouns take the ending –ї in plural, become familiar with two groups of nouns that deviate from the regular pattern of plural ending formation, and learn the Ukrainian plural form of pronoun “my.”

2.3 Plural Nouns with Stem Changes

In this module, you will become familiar with three major stem changes that some masculine nouns undergo in the plural, learn several feminine nouns that undergo stem changes in plural, and practice recognizing plural nouns and their meanings by reading authentic Ukrainian business signs.

2.4 Exceptions, Plural-only and Singular-only Nouns

In this module, you will learn the main exceptions to the regular rules of plural formation and become familiar with the most common Ukrainian nouns that exist either only in plural form or only in singular form.

5.2 Inanimate Nouns as Direct Objects (Accusative and Genitive Cases)

In this module, you will learn when Ukrainian uses the genitive case for direct objects and become familiar with the genitive case forms for singular feminine nouns.

cafe entrance

12.1 Possessive Pronouns (мій, твій, чий in Nominative)

This is a guest module created by Reagan Kanter. In this module, you will become more familiar with the possessive pronouns “my” and “your,” which have different forms depending on the gender and number of the noun that they modify. You will also learn how to use the question word “whose.”

city square

12.2 Possessive Pronouns (наш and ваш in Nominative)

In this module, you will become familiar with the possessive pronouns “our” and “your” (plural and formal singular), which have different forms depending on gender and number.