Category: Adjectives

Hotel "Passage"

16.1 Adjectives (Gender and Number in Nominative)

In this module, you will become familiar with the endings of adjectives for all genders and for plural in the nominative case. You will practice agreement between adjectives and nouns or pronouns as well as the question word яки́й.

Panorama of the city of Kiev

16.2 Soft-Stem Adjectives (Gender and Number in Nominative)

In this module, you will become familiar with the endings of soft-stem adjectives for all genders and for plural in the nominative case. You will practice agreement between adjectives and nouns or pronouns as well as the question words яки́й. You will also learn several adjectives that function as nouns.

bowl of soup and a roll

16.3 Ordinal Numerals (Gender and Number in Nominative)

In this module, you will become familiar with ordinal numerals and their endings for all genders as well as for plural in the nominative case. You will practice agreement between numerals and nouns or pronouns and learn the difference between the question words яки́й and котри́й.

street scene

17.1 Accusative Case of Adjectives (With Inanimate Nouns)

In this module, you will learn the accusative case endings of adjectives for all genders and for plural – when they are used with inanimate nouns. You will practice agreement between adjectives and inanimate nouns in the accusative case, as well as the question word яки́й.

street scene in Kyiv

17.2 Accusative Case of Adjectives (With Animate Nouns)

In this module, you will learn the accusative case endings of adjectives for all genders and for plural – when they are used with animate nouns. You will practice agreement between adjectives and animate nouns in the accusative case in direct object contexts and after prepositions followed by the accusative.

Salo restaurant sign

17.3 Genitive Case of Adjectives

In this module, you will learn the genitive case endings of adjectives for all genders and for plural. You will practice agreement between adjectives and nouns in all the genitive case contexts covered in Dobra forma. To review these contexts, see Module 5.2, Module 6.1, Module 7.1, Module 7.2, Module 7.3 and Module 7.4.

window with sale sign

17.4 Genitive Case of Adjectives and Ordinal Numerals (Time Expressions)

In this module, you will work more with the genitive case forms of adjectives and ordinal numerals – as they are used in common time expressions, like “last week,” “next year,” and “on September 15, 2012″.

horse in a field

18.1 Locative Case of Adjectives and Ordinal Numerals

In this module, you will learn the locative case endings of adjectives and of ordinal numerals for all genders and for plural. You will practice agreement between adjectives/ordinal numerals and nouns in common locative case contexts.

high rise apartment building

18.2 Dative Case of Adjectives

In this module, you will learn the dative case endings of adjectives for all genders and for the plural. You will also practice agreement between adjectives and nouns in common dative case contexts. To review these contexts and the dative case forms of nouns, see Modules 11.1-4.

grilled steak and vegetables

19.1 Instrumental Case of Adjectives

In this module, you will learn the instrumental case endings of adjectives for all genders and for plural. You will practice agreement between adjectives and nouns in common instrumental case contexts. To review these contexts and the instrumental case forms of nouns, see Unit 9 and Unit 10.