Tag: inanimate

1.2 Gender of Nouns (Masculine and Feminine)

In this module, you will continue to practice recognizing the masculine and feminine gender of nouns, both animate and inanimate.  You will also learn how to use the masculine and feminine forms for the numeral “one,” the possessive pronouns “my” and “your,” and the question word “what kind/which”.


5.1 Inanimate Nouns as Direct Objects (Accusative Case)

In this module, you will become familiar with concept of a direct object and the fact that Ukrainian uses the accusative case for direct objects in affirmative sentences and questions.  You will also learn the accusative case forms for singular and plural inanimate nouns of all genders.

5.2 Inanimate Nouns as Direct Objects (Accusative and Genitive Cases)

In this module, you will learn when Ukrainian uses the genitive case for direct objects and become familiar with the genitive case forms for singular feminine nouns.

5.3 Genitive Case for Direct Objects after Negation (Neuter and Masculine)

In this module, you will learn the genitive case forms for singular neuter nouns and become familiar with one set of genitive case forms for singular masculine nouns.