Category: Dative Case

Handing over a ticket

11.1 Dative Case (Feminine Nouns)

In this module, you will become familiar with the concept of an indirect object for which Ukrainian uses the dative case. You will also learn dative case endings for feminine singular nouns. Завдання 1 Note how in each dialogue below the underlined verb is followed by two nouns. The noun in italics is the direct …

sign reading 125 років Львівському та Українському футболу

11.2 Dative Case (Masculine and Neuter Nouns)

In this module, you will learn dative case endings for neuter singular nouns as well as for inanimate masculine singular nouns. You will practice recognizing and using these forms in constructions about age and sentences with indirect objects. Завдання 1 Note how in each dialogue below, the bolded noun changes from the nominative to the …

cat in city

11.3 Dative Case (Animate Masculine Nouns)

In this module, you will learn dative case endings for animate masculine singular nouns. You will practice recognizing and using these forms in constructions about age, sentences with indirect objects, and with the verb подобатися.

city street

11.4 Dative Case (Plural Nouns)

In this module, you will learn dative case endings for plural nouns of all genders. You will practice recognizing and using these forms in sentences with indirect objects and with the verb подобатися.

ocean shoreline

15.1 Personal Pronouns (Dative Case Forms)

In this module, you will learn dative case forms of personal pronouns. You will practice recognizing and using them in sentences about age and with the verb подо́батися.


15.2 Personal Pronouns (Dative Case for Indirect Object)

In this module, you will practice recognizing and using the dative case forms of personal pronouns in the indirect object function.

high rise apartment building

18.2 Dative Case of Adjectives

In this module, you will learn the dative case endings of adjectives for all genders and for the plural. You will also practice agreement between adjectives and nouns in common dative case contexts. To review these contexts and the dative case forms of nouns, see Modules 11.1-4.