Category: Accusative Case


5.1 Inanimate Nouns as Direct Objects (Accusative Case)

In this module, you will become familiar with concept of a direct object and the fact that Ukrainian uses the accusative case for direct objects in affirmative sentences and questions.  You will also learn the accusative case forms for singular and plural inanimate nouns of all genders.

5.2 Inanimate Nouns as Direct Objects (Accusative and Genitive Cases)

In this module, you will learn when Ukrainian uses the genitive case for direct objects and become familiar with the genitive case forms for singular feminine nouns.

8.1 Accusative Case of Animate Nouns

In this module, you will learn the accusative case forms for singular and plural animate nouns and review the accusative case forms for inanimate nouns.


8.2 Accusative Case after the Prepositions в/у, на and про

In this module, you will become familiar with the meanings of prepositional phrases with prepositions в/у, на and про followed by nouns in the accusative case, as well as with the most common contexts in which these phrases are used.

young girl

13.1 Personal Pronouns (Nominative and Accusative Cases)

In this module, you will review personal pronouns in the nominative case and learn their forms in the accusative case. You will practice using them in introductions, particularly with the verb зва́ти.

headset near computer

13.2 Personal Pronouns (Accusative and Genitive Cases)

In this module, you will work with accusative and genitive case forms of personal pronouns, which happen to be identical. You will become familiar with their use in various contexts, particularly as direct objects in questions as well as affirmative and negative sentences.

younc couple with child descending escalator

13.3 Personal Pronouns (Accusative and Genitive Cases after Prepositions)

In this module, you will learn accusative and genitive case forms of personal pronouns after prepositions, some of which differ from the forms you have seen so far in this unit.

street scene

17.1 Accusative Case of Adjectives (With Inanimate Nouns)

In this module, you will learn the accusative case endings of adjectives for all genders and for plural – when they are used with inanimate nouns. You will practice agreement between adjectives and inanimate nouns in the accusative case, as well as the question word яки́й.

street scene in Kyiv

17.2 Accusative Case of Adjectives (With Animate Nouns)

In this module, you will learn the accusative case endings of adjectives for all genders and for plural – when they are used with animate nouns. You will practice agreement between adjectives and animate nouns in the accusative case in direct object contexts and after prepositions followed by the accusative.