9.1 Instrumental Case (Intro to Singular Endings)

9.1 Instrumental Case (Intro to Singular Endings)

In this module, you will work with the basic endings for singular nouns in the instrumental case and learn one common context in which Ukrainian uses the instrumental case.

Завда́ння 1

Look at the images below, paying attention to differences between the two captions.

Це вода́, а це лимо́н.
water with lemon
Це вода́ з лимо́ном.

Choose the best description to caption the images below.

Завда́ння 2

Complete the sentences below paying careful attention to context and to what you have learned about the instrumental case thus far.

Завда́ння 3

Listen to the audio file below and assign each food item you hear to the correct menu category.

Завда́ння 4

Look at the images and their corresponding captions.  Note how these nouns’ endings change after preposition з.

Це торт, а це кава.
cake and coffee
Торт з кавою на десерт.
steakfrench fries
Це стейк, а це картопля.
Steak with fries
Я люблю стейк з картоплею.

Choose the best description to caption the images below.

Завда́ння 5

Indicate which foods pair well.

Завдання 6

Choose the best description to caption the images below.

Завда́ння 7

Complete the description of what a student commonly ate during her study abroad program in Ukraine.

Мо́вний пазл

Look through the activities you have just completed and choose the correct statements below to summarize what you have learned.

А тепе́р тест!

Complete the sentences below by providing the correct endings on the nouns: nominative, accusative, or instrumental (-ом, -ем, -ою, or -ею); if no ending is needed, chose the hyphen (-). Then choose the most appropriate response to each question or request.