Добра форма

Добра форма (Dobra forma; Good Form) is a web-based overview of Ukrainian grammar with contextualized activities that enable students to internalize correct grammatical forms as they focus on the communication of meaning.

college graduation

27.3 Verbal Aspect (Other Types of Aspectual Pairs)

In this module, you will be introduced to other types of aspectual pairs, in which the perfective verb is not formed with the help of a prefix.

woman painting a grove of flowering trees

27.4 Verbal Aspect (Future Tense)

In this module, you will learn how verbal aspect operates in the future tense.

street scene in Odessa

28.1 Verbs of Motion (іти – їхати)

In this module, you will begin to learn how verbs of motion work in Ukrainian. You will become familiar with when and how to use two key verbs of motion, іти́ and  ї́хати.

28.2 Verbs of Motion (ходити – їздити)

In this module, you will continue to learn how verbs of motion work in Ukrainian. You will become familiar with when and how to use two more verbs of motion, ходи́ти and ї́здити.

woman riding bike on dirt road in rural setting

28.3 Verbs of Motion (піти – прийти, поїхати – приїхати)

In this module, you will continue to learn how verbs of motion work in Ukrainian. You will become familiar with when and how to use the prefixes по- and при- with verbs of motion.

Shenborn palace in the autumn

29.1 Imperatives (Читай Type)

In this module, you will begin to learn how to give commands in Ukrainian. You will become familiar with one of the two most common types of imperatives, called here the чита́й type.

three students studying

29.2 Imperatives (Пиши Type)

In this module, you will continue to learn how to give commands in Ukrainian. You will become familiar with the second common type of imperatives, called here the пиши́ type.

front of a restaurant

29.3 Imperatives (Other Forms and Exceptions)

In this module, you will become familiar with a small number of commonly used imperative forms that deviate in their formation from the чита́й and the пиши́ types. Завдання 1 Read the captions below and pay attention to the bolded verbs. Then answer the questions that follow. – Приві́т, Анто́не! Познайо́мся: це Ле́ся Ону́фрів. – …

30.1: Adverbs (Formation from Adjectives)

In this module, you will learn how to form adverbs from adjectives and ordinal numerals.

litttle white dog lying on a thick rug

30.2: Using Adverbs

In this module, you will learn how to use deadjectival adverbs in different types of sentences and where to place them in a sentence.