16.2 Soft-Stem Adjectives (Gender and Number in Nominative)

Panorama of the city of Kiev

16.2 Soft-Stem Adjectives (Gender and Number in Nominative)

In this module, you will become familiar with the endings of soft-stem adjectives for all genders and for plural in the nominative case. You will practice agreement between adjectives and nouns or pronouns as well as the question words яки́й. You will also learn several adjectives that function as nouns.

Завдання 1

Caption the images below, paying careful attention to the different endings on the adjectives, which differ from what you saw in the last module. If absolutely necessary, use the Dobra Forma Glossary to look up unknown words, but see if you can figure out the meaning from context.  Once you have captioned the pictures, answer the questions that follow.


While the majority of Ukrainian adjectives in singular end with -ий / / , there are some soft-stem adjectives with endings in -ій / / , like дома́шній in the activity above. Remember these additional common soft-stem adjectives:

си́ній – blue
коли́шній – former
сере́дній – middle, average
спра́вжній – real

Note that all adjectives, whether hard-stem or soft-stem, take the ending -i in nominative plural.

Завдання 2

Match the nouns from the bank to the appropriate adjectives listed to form meaningful phrases. Be careful about gender and number agreement.  If needed, use the Dobra Forma Glossary to look up unknown words.

Завдання 3

Complete the dialogues below by choosing the most appropriate adjectives from the bank.

Завдання 4

You overhear snippets of conversations at a café in which people are being described. Based on the lexical and grammatical clues in the snippet, select the person that is most likely being described.


There is a small group of adjectives that function as nouns in Ukrainian in certain contexts and therefore are not followed by a noun. Remember these common examples:

знайо́мий – a male acquaintance
знайо́ма – a female acquaintance
знайо́мі – acquaintances

хво́рий – a male patient
хво́ра – a female patient
хво́рі – patients, the sick

молоди́й – groom
молода́ – bride
молоді́ – bride and groom

Many adjectives that function as nouns and denote objects or notions are neuter. Remember these three common examples:

шампа́нське – champagne
мину́ле – the past
майбу́тнє – the future
(Note the soft stem!)

Завдання 5

Mark all the adjectives that function as nouns in the sentences below and then answer the questions that follow.

Завдання 6

Complete the dialogue below by choosing the most appropriate word or phrase.

Мо́вний пазл

А тепе́р тест!

Complete the conversation between two friends at a wedding using the appropriate words from the bank.


Images courtesy of Bohdan Maylove, Philippe Jausions, Reagan Kanter, Maria Zakaturia, Victoria Shes.